I'll just be straight up. I fell behind this week and I sucked with keeping up with blog posting. I'm sorry about that. Wish List has been horribly neglected for the mere reason that I let myself not lose my mind over trying to catch up after a week and a half jam packed with project deadlines and developments. It's all good, as the kids say. Mostly because one of my side-projects was putting together the 10 year anniversary party for my ex-husband Sebastian's tattoo shop last Saturday. I was there at the beginning of it all and it felt just right to help to create a happy and festive space to celebrate the years, the clients, the clients who have become friends, and the friends who will remain for a lifetime. It was a packed house and it was awesome. This night filled my heart in so many huge, surreal, powerful, and wonderful ways.
That's Matt. I met him through Sebastian a way long time ago and he fast became one of my favorite friends of all time. He's hysterical and so much fun to hang out with; a good friend. And, anyway, he surprised us by flying in from Massachusetts for the party. I saw him walk through that door and I flipped the heck out. That's me bawling into him, above. Snots all over his shirt, I'm sure. Worth it. (A shout-out to Matt's lovely wife, Liz, for helping to make this surprise happen.)
Good happy friends all around, thoughtful gifts, lots of hugs.
I could have died happy that night. But I'm so glad I didn't. There's so much more I'm ready to welcome in...
There are a ton more photos from the party. Want to see them? Peek over HERE.
[top photo by Amber Mazzacano-Richards / all other photos by Myriah Bujak]