
Into the weekend...

This past week has been a super busy one.  The amount of orders I've received for the latest collection has been mind blowing.  I am always so thankful for your continued love + support with my business and am really really glad that you are enjoying your pieces (I love your love-fest emails!).  It's been five solid years of full time work with my company and to see it expand as it has makes me feel such huge appreciation.
So, thanks a bunch.

This weekend I'm going to try to lay low (lots of activity + events in the coming weekends), maybe write a long overdue catch up letter for an old friend + put together a little gift for my dad for Father's Day + wander around letting adventure in.

Here are a few neat things found from around the web this week:
* Cool gift wrap.
* A funny new twitter page from a father to his toddler son.
* This lady is awesome.

Have a good one, friends.

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