
The Reading Nook

I flip over nooks.  Reading nooks. Breakfast nooks.  Bed nooks.  Garden nooks.  I'm a freak for them.  Which is really bizarre because I am claustrophobic... I mean total all out panic attacks from my fear of closed in spaces.  It makes no sense and I'm done with analyzing myself so all you and I both need to know is that nooks still- without any rational explanation- rest me inside a perfect sense of calm. 
I investigated and found some that I'd like to find spaces for in my home.  
I'm starting with a larger space of a reading nook so we can ease me into this very carefully...

Love the velvet cushery...

I could easily put this one in my house right now, except this one is cleaner than mine would be...
 Loving how this one is right off the kitchen... sort of like a kitchen/reading nook.  a two in one!  Also- easy access to tea...

 When I was a little girl, we had a big old willow tree in our backyard.  This reminds me of the many many times I would sit under it and read and play house and force my dog to stay with me while I dressed him up in my Dad's flannel ...

 And sometimes simplicity will do the trick perfectly...

Now all I need is my dog laying by my feet, some mint tea and a stack of books.
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