This past week has been one of my favorites, and not just because of all the food and drink you'll see here (though that helped). I loved the rest I caught up on and the surprising ease with which I just went with it all. And I love the people I shared the time with.
Could I get used to this way of living? I think I just have.
We enjoyed a fantastic New Year's Eve dinner out at my very favorite restaurant. I ordered a Shirley Temple while we waited at the bar and after eating 2,000 pieces of bread with balsamic vinegar and olive oil, I dove into the raviolis. (I always get the ravioli!) Anyhow, it is by far some of the tastiest Italian food I've eaten, ever (But not including the meals made by my mom, dad, and my aunts. Naturally.).
and then tea for dessert since I wasn't feeling tip top that night and felt something soothing would do the trick... which it did. (Sebastian enjoyed a yummy chocolate mousse; I stole a couple bites.)
I maybe have a little too much of a good time with putting together outfits, though I joke that I dress like a six year old who just gained access to trunks of clothes in her grandmother's attic, but whatevs...
(The embroidered belt on the left is a gift from my wonderful childhood friend, Karen. The sparkling tights on the right I wore with my New Year's Eve dress and are a gift from my awesome mother-in-law.)
On New Year's day, we hung with a bestie (and the insanely adorable Charm the Dog) all day while drinking coffee and champagne (first photo, up top) and tasty treats...
...surrounded by art materials...
things like these beautiful vintage chains and mother of pearl buttons that you'll be seeing integrated into the designs of my next collection, by month's end...
Back in the studio working on a pair of sterling silver earrings...
And popping into Sebastian's shop one day and ending up with photos of him tattooing this incredible sleeve...
This weekend and the following days and nights will find me deep into piles of materials, making the pieces for the next collection photoshoot in a couple of weeks and catching up on all things with the business. Maybe I'll throw in a drive South for an afternoon; we'll see.
Happy weekend.
Enjoy a productive one, friends.