
Once Upon a Time / 21

1960's vintage purple, gold, and blue crystal umbrella - Wish List: Catherine Masi

Lots of random goings-on this week, like a trek to a vintage shop (check out the jaw dropping 1960's purple + gold umbrella above... it's got little light blue crystals on the handle.  Did I get it?  Yes.  Yes, I did.)  Here's more from my visit...

Mid-century modern gold drinking glasses- Wish List: Catherine Masi

A set of mid century glasses.  Awesome, but out of my budget.  And then,  a Louis Prima album for your listening + dancing pleasure...

Louis Prima record- Wish List: Catherine Masi

Sebastian + I went to see our friend, Paul, give an overview talk on his dissertation.  He's just the sweetest and smartest guy.  And such an interesting subject matter, too...

Paul Hirsch- Historian- Comic Books and the Cold War

I love this stained glass window in a bakery that we go to sometimes on our day off (I get the vegetarian quiche + tomato bisque soup... mmmm good.)  I try to score seating right next to it when we're there because it has the prettiest light streaming in...

stained glass window - Wish List: Catherine Masi

And then, with full tummies, we went to the nursery down the block and discovered this...!

caterpillar + plant - Wish List: Catherine Masi

... and these succulents...

succulents - Wish List: Catherine Masi

Here are some pieces I've been working on this week (I'm a fan of the unconventional wintery color palette and the spin on 1920's design elements)...

1920's inspired hair accessory head pieces by Catherine Masi - Wish List: Catherine Masi

This weekend, I'll be going full force getting Holiday designs nailed down + ready to launch in the next few weeks... lots of details to take care of, but it's all motivating, so that's good.  And, if I have enough down time I'll be catching up with long distance friends via a phone chat + maybe grabbing a drink with friends later in the weekend.

Enjoy a crisp + colorful Autumn weekend, friends.
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