The weather's been droopy. And although I have not yet plummeted into the depths of despair over the lack of sunshine this week, I could still do with some doses of warmth and coziness.
Here's what I found around the web...
I don't know what it is with me and pink lately. A friend in college tried to convince me to dress in all pink and lace for Halloween one year because all I would wear was black this and that and combat boots (yeah- I was that cliche). She'd be shocked to know I just wore pink lace last week. Who knew?
Anyway... this photo is from DesignSponge and I love the pillows on the chairs and little eggs on the table.
Now this... THIS is exactly what I need (desperately want) for the containment of all my materials. I used to volunteer at my childhood library just so I could flip through the card catalogs and stamp the books with that doohickey. Also, that record player atop is really great. I'd play some Benny Goodman or my old Strawberry Shortcake birthday album on it. (Photo also from DesignSponge)
Right here is the house that I often dream about. The interior design is an awesome surprise and it's located in upstate New York, so it's a treat and a half. Snagged this one from Cup of Joe and then New York Times Magazine.
That should help me out of my funk.
Time now for hot cocoa in a great big mug on a special special tray that my beautiful friend, Meaghan, gifted me.
Have a weekend well enjoyed...