
Into the Weekend

rose bush

This is a view from my bedroom window.  Isn't it something?  I keep saying this, but it's true...I'm  relishing reminders of beauty around me.  And anyway, I'm learning to trust life lately (not an easy feat sometimes, am I right?) and what helps are these reminders.  So this weekend I'm really enjoying my environment around here, taking Mars for his happy walk, and prepping all sorts of things for some upcoming press (so excited, so thankful).   I'm also up for wild happenings.  Do you run into those?  I feel like every day I meet some kind of adventure when I'm just out getting errands done.  Always bumping into a friend or two out there, which is pretty great.

For you, some neat links from around the web...

Last night, real late, I saw these on Pinterest.  I need.

The 16 worst types of selfies.  Do you see yourself in these? (Thankfully, I miss the mark... but just barely in #2)

Good point.

Have I shared how much I love this movieThis snippet is a good reason why.

Have a happy weekend, friends.
p.s. If you'd like, follow more of what I do throughout the week on my Instagram- all sorts of pretty stuff over there.

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