
on motherhood /4/ guest post

Welcome to the next in a series of motherhood posts guest written by Amy, mother of two young boys, over at Raising Men, Finding Me.  I fell in love with her writing style instantly.  It's simple but adorned with the kind of beauty and insight that only authenticity can offer.  I feel so honored that Amy has agreed to share her intimate world of motherhood in her lovely and touching style once a month here on Wish List.  And I have a feeling she'll connect with so many of you mothers out there, perhaps in a way I can't.  Here are her words, her thoughts, all rooted in love.

Chasing Fireflies.

Last night, he was supposed to be sleeping. About an hour after we had tucked him into bed, my four-year old padded down the stairs and peered around the banister, tentatively awaiting our reaction. Most nights, we would have corralled him back up to his room; on this night, however, we threw on his shoes and hurried him outside into our backyard to chase fireflies.

He raced across the lawn with his father beside him. They grabbed the small net and a little bug box from the metal hook in the garage, and then away they went to hunt for fireflies. Quietly and patiently, they observed the little bugs in flight. Many of them flew along the blooming hydrangea bush while a few were flying alongside of the tall white fence. Father and son crept carefully nearby and swatted their net with determination for a long while.

Then, they caught one.

A joyful dance and many giggles accompanied their successful capture. Daddy placed the bug inside of the box along with a few blades of grass. With the box in his hand, he rushed over to me to show me his new-found friend. After only a few moments, he released the little bug and watched it fly away up into the night sky.

“Let’s go catch another one Daddy!”

And together they ran off to hunt for more fireflies in the light of summer’s full moon.

Want to read more of Amy's guest posts on Wish List?  Click HERE.
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