A few things from the past week or so...
Sebastian's grandmother passed away last
Friday at the incredible age of 102. She was a tough cookie and smart smart all the way up until she passed.
And this photo of her (above), probably taken around 1940, is such a beauty, don't you think?
One thing I will never feel desensitized toward out here are all the citrus trees in the front and back yards. This one, from grandma's yard, gave us a bag of fresh oranges. Plus they're really pretty in bloom.
The Lala Love velvet bow headbands are one of my shop's best sellers, but the black bows are ordered less often than, say, the red or pink or ivory ones. This shot was taken of me sewing one together-
I thought the contrast here was a nice one.
Are you a Holiday shopper? In general, I'm not much of a shopper at all- though I love wrapping and giving gifts. I just really more enjoy strolling around, taking in the sights (mind you, less crowded sights) and putting together fewer, more thoughtful gifts than tons of "list" presents.
Anyhow, here's festively decorated walkway downtown...
plus two more spots that I love seeing every time I pass through...
And then this clover from our patio (isn't the purple lovely?)...
Wishing you all a weekend filled with huge appreciation for those you love. It's been a doozy of a day for loss and grief; there are no adequate words to express this given the horrific events both in Connecticut and China today.
But to this I say... love with all you've got,