
For today...

record player - WishList: Catherine Masi

        I saw a great quote this morning and thought, "Yeah.  I need to take heed."  This is what it said...

I've just more recently realized this about myself.  I glorify busy.   I glorify a strong work ethic and so what happens there is that, if I feel spent, I must must must keep working regardless of whether or not I actually need to.  There's some guilt hidden in there somewhere, I think.

Anyhow, a few days ago I somehow busted my wrist.  Now I've got it bandaged up so I don't injure it any further.  But what this has forced me to do is slow down (because all I can do is use the top part of my fingers on my left hand to sew and make and do- which is tricky).

So I'm reevaluating the virtue of busy because, right now, I have no choice.
I think I'll take a few relaxing breaks throughout my day to pop on some records and stare off for just a bit.  It'll fake me into feeling like I've got a day off.  It's a start...

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