
Once Upon a Time/ 11

I visited some special places this week and am kind of extending the whole birthday thing out for a little longer than is socially acceptable (more next week with friends in tow... something I'm always up for.)  

So, off I went to explore Ventura for an afternoon.  And I came across these (yes, these chocolates were that metallic.  I pulled no fancy photoshop maneuvering.)...

and this lovely little bookstore window display...

I also got to spend some time with my silly niece at her great-grandma's house.  I brought the bubbles + the fancy wand...

  she brought the glee...

And, of course, Mars.  Here he is enjoying his sunshine. (Very serious business.)

This weekend , I'll be having teatime with friends and then plugging through some custom orders.
I'll also be sure to enjoy the sunshine (I'm paying attention, Mars. I am.  Really.)

Hope you will, too.

[First photo: Myriah Bujak]

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