My office is in our home. It's a workspace for concocting designs, constructing them, and hopefully making some decent pieces of art. With materials stored around me and the dog at my feet, it's where I work every single day... a home cubicle, but maybe a little more decked out than those found in office buildings. So last night, I was taking a break and looked around the room and felt a dire need to reconstruct the space. Rework some of the layout, redesign storage. Stuff like that. What's fun about this process is gaining inspiration from others' ideas... like these:
(Large work table- which we already have- layout trays for in use materials [in first image above] and streamlined storage)
(More mason jars for storage!)
(Reclaimed objects for storage and art)
(Larger bulletin board for design ideas)

(Creative use of materials display... maybe not so functional, but still really pretty.)
Now to put some of these ideas into action...