
Into the Weekend...

This week was rather nutty.  A series of rescheduled everything. But you know what?  It worked out better that way and I'm so grateful for the universe, or whathaveyou, that has thrust this change upon me.  Such nuttiness that I will totally embrace... with a side of grilled cheese on sourdough and chocolate cake for lunch, on this finally sunny day.

Some scooped up tid bits that I came across this week... Enjoy:

* So in love with the styling of Twig Hutchinson (Above photo. More yellow!)  I came across her work through Decor8 and, wow, how beautifully orchestrated are these?!

* This gorgeous post from Leonie Allan on Superhero Journal:
The last part, in particular, is a stunning expression of what it means to really be alive.

* Um... yum.  Coffee Shampoo bar soap from Rocky Top Soap Shop

* and yum again.  Cookies from Tookies!
Maybe I'm hungry.

Have a lovely weekend...
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