
::August Giveaway::

Here's where I start in about The Summer flying by and where did The Summer go and how is it possible that I have yet to sit on the beach reading a good book when I live a mile from the beach and how sad that The Summer is coming to an end.  But, you know what?  It isn't.  Technically, this season lasts well into September, but the commercial world likes to through our brains into a tizzy fit by shoving Back to School ads through our eye balls and that's just no good.  Why mess with a perfectly fine Summer with fear and sadness of it being over?  No way, no how.  I'm reclaiming the hope of this long and warm and sunshine drenched time with this August Giveaway. Take this Sunshine pendant... up for the winning.  It's sweet and radiant and has just a hint of edgy. It's a vibrant fuchsia satin with sexy black lace button on a silver pendant.  And, boy oh boy, is it just what we need to extend our siesta in the sun (and into the warm summer twilit nights...)

Here are the Giveaway Rules: (Deadline:: Friday, August 13th 11:59pm, PST)
1.In the comment section below, share your fondest memory of Summer.

2.Extra Credit: Become a Facebook Fan:: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ciara-Obscura/72466409533?v=photos#!/pages/Ciara-Obscura/72466409533?v=wall

3. Extra Extra Credit: Breathe in the sunshine.  It's good for you.

4. Check back here on Sunday, August 15 to see if you're the winner!

Good luck!

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