
The neat stuff.

A couple of things about being a New England girl who became, against many odds, somewhat of a California girl after living here for eleven years.  One: I knew nothing about avocados growing up, but will now eat them with anything... ANYTHING.  Oh god, I love avocados.  Two: I am perfectly willing to accept sunshine every single day of the year without tiring of it.  No lie.  I can say I miss the change of seasons, but what I'm really saying is that I'll take the sun being out 365 days a year and still be okay with that.  Three: I thought "succulent" meant sexy tramp, because any reference to a desert plant had me visualizing your standard cactus... but seeing a succulent in front of me for the very first time opened my eyes to the world.  I swear it did.  They're colorful, bloom crazy beautiful and diverse flowers and are fighters.  Man, those plants can last through anything and grow practically anywhere.  I love succulents.  I do.
My homage below...

(Above: Such beautiful photography by Feather Love AND otherworldly succulents from an obviously well styled wedding.  Wow.)

And some amazing vertical garden ideas from Flora Grubb Gardens.  One day I'm going to hop in the car and road trip up to San Francisco just to see this shop...

from April Hiler Designs... oh my.

Yay for low water/ high awesomeness.
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