
Tara and Alena's Wedding

I met Tara and Alena (middle two lovelies in photo above) when Tara was getting a sweet blossoming Cherry tree tattooed on her back by Sebastian several months ago. She was steady and calm during the process and managed to put up with my incessant talk about her work as a special education teacher for students with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. Her passion, devotion and holistic knowledge of the incredible children and young adults that she works with was inspiring and matched beautifully with the socially just and progressive work of Alena. As the Program Manager for Just Communities , she institutes training for educators and other partnerships with local schools, aiming to close the achievement gap and promote racial justice, equity and inclusion. Their partnership in community activism, progression and awareness is a fine testament to our humanitarian roles in society; their dedication seems boundless.

Both share a love for creating the good stuff... Alena knits, cooks and gardens; Tara writes, crafts zines and stencils. But both love to dance ~ something that was brought to my attention right off the bat as they tried on the hair clips and jewelry with a bust a move test run. A highly entertaining and endearing sight.

It was an honor to have had the lucky break of creating custom hair adornments and jewelry for their wedding this past Spring. Both Tara and Alena, with Tara's lovely sister, Kristen, and their adorable friend, Raquel, wore the most vibrant and playful (and totally dance worthy) dresses. All four of these gals were a super treat to work with and I had a blast creating the pretties (feathers and felt and buttons and a bangle and flowers and birdcage veil... soooo much fun).

I will refrain from hopping on my soap box here as best I can and bypass my ranting about social and political justice, but I will have to share that Alena and Tara are a beautiful couple who will live a long and blissful life together. Prop.8 can kiss my fanny. *Off soap box*

Read a bit more about them in their Q&A below:
What's your most treasured possession?
alena: My wedding ring and an antique vanity case that Tara gave me.
tara: that is really hard. i try not to treasure posessions too much, but maybe pictures, my computer, my file of letters and things people (and alena) have made me?

The one band that you can listen to in any mood, any time of day, any place?
alena: Mirah or Mystic.
tara: um, same actually. Mirah or Mystic.

Imagine a single room all to yourself, all for you. What's inside?
alena: Lots of potted plants, especially herbs and orchids.
tara: a device music comes out of and separate desks with immaculate organization for: sewing, writing/zine-writing, and other crafts/creation.

Share a quote.
alena: If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive. - Audre Lorde
tara: "If you are coming to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you are coming because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together." -- Australian Aboriginal Woman

If not the profession that you are currently in, then what?
alena: Hmm, I would teach healthy sexuality or make cupcakes for a living.
tara: another form of social justice organizing, non-profit or otherwise. Something directly dismantling oppression.

If you could spend a day with anyone, past or present, who would it be? Why?
alena: My grandmother (who passed away 15 years ago) when she was my age. I'd love to get her honest perspective on our family and who we've all become.
tara: honestly, my chosen family. really doesn't get better.

Favorite hero/heroine in fiction?
alena: Hmmm I'm not sure, but my favorite book is The God of Small Things. I love books written from the perspective of children.
tara: i don't typically read that kind of fiction, though i love fiction. these kinds of questions are too hard for me! i cant pick a favorite book even.

What piece of jewelry or hair adornment do you own by Ciara Obscura?
alena: My wedding adornment with a white orchid and birdcage veil, a big flower with a pink center, and three small flower clips. I love them!
tara: a flower/feather broach and bangle bracelet with matching feathers. I love them.
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